Twitter Weekly Update 2016–April–13

  1. Fed judge enters final judgment in marriage case:

  2. : “Sister-wives” case dismissed for lack of case or controversy; lower court ruling vacated

  3. Ontario man finds giving a judge naked pictures of your ex-wife to support change of custody claim is a bad idea

  4. mom awarded $1.17 million damages after son’s international kidnapping, return

  5. : Court erred modifying legal custody for mother to choose school when no motion to change it had on file

  6. : Richard Ross, Appellate Reporter of Decisions, will retire June 3, 2016 after more than 40 years

  7. : No Kansas -related appeals decisions were issued today (2016-April-08):

  8. Pope calls for inclusion of divorce/remarried Catholics but turns his back on

  9. Virginia draft ethics opinion says law firm must stop lobbying state legislature if lawyer/legislator joins the firm

  10. : Parent may sometimes record conversations of child with 3rd party though not present with child

  11. NY Court of Appeals rules parent who is not present can make audio/video recordings of child’s 3d party conversation

  12. Lawyer suspended for using email information obtained from divorce client by guessing wife’s email password

  13. Florida Governor signs bill repealing state ban on cohabitation by unmarried couples

  14. Defending the Constitution – and the – isn’t always popular

  15. providers, parents & pediatricians can all work together to prevent kids’ behavioral health problems

  16. Legislation targeting advances in about a dozen states

  17. Editorial: Impeachment bill subverts Kansas Constitution, seeks to make pawns of gov &…

  18. Editorial: Impeachment bill subverts Kansas Constitution, seeks to make pawns of gov & Legislature

  19. : Supreme Court adopts ‘Code of Professional Responsibility for Court Interpreters’

  20. : Supreme Court amends Duties and Powers of District Court Chief Judge

  21. Convention goes into force between U.S. & Thailand April 1, 2016:

  22. Convention goes into force between U.S. & Thailand April 1, 2016: