Weekly Twitter Update 2015–April–19

: Successful applicants to February 2015 Kansas Bar Exam will be sworn in on April 17, 2015 in Topeka

Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2010

: Court properly disqualified father’s lawyer when lawyer previously represented mother in same case

: An Order Disqualifying Counsel is not a final appealable order

: Where no substantial change in circumstances has occurred, there is no call to change school order

: Court did not err deciding that home schooling would be major modification not in child’s best interests

: The fact a losing party thinks court made a wrong decision does not mean the decision was wrong #112050

: Appeals court does not substitute its judgment for that of the trial court #112050

: Trial judges are experts in determining appropriateness of time and amount for attorneys’ fees #112050

: Appeals court does not redetermine attorneys fees issues decided by trial judge #112050

: KSA 23-2216 authorizes attorneys’ fees in post-parentage matters just as in post-divorce matters #112050

: Trial court can only award attorneys fees if they are authorized by statute #112050

: Trial judge properly considered mother’s dealings with child’s special needs issues #112050

: Where it is clear, as here, judge thoughtfully considered issues, there is no error of discretion #112050

: Appeals court declines request to view evidence most favorably for appellant instead of appellee #112050

: Kansas statutes set out the factors a trial court must review in deciding child custody issues #112050

: If any evidence supports trial court decision on facts, there is no abuse of discretion #112050

: If evidence supports the facts determined by trial court, there is no factual error #112050

: Appeals court does not delve into record or engage in an emotional tug of war between good parents #112050

: Appeals court does not delve into the record looking for error–that is the appellants duty #112050

: Appealing party has burden to show that trial court made error of law or ignored undisputed facts #112050

: Judicial action is abuse of discretion if decision is based on error of law or of undisputed fact #112050

: Appeals court looks only at evidence/testimony that supports the trial court’s decision #112050

: An appeal is not a second chance to win a lost motion to modify a parenting plan #112050

: Appeals court does not reweigh evidence or redetermine facts decided by trial judge with support #112050

: In absence of parental agreement, trial court is in best position to decide child’s best interests #112050

: Paramount concern when deciding upon an appropriate parenting plan is the child’s best interests #112050

: Cases seeking to modify existing parenting plans are fact sensitive #112050

: Court did not err not modifying parenting plan or awarding attorneys fees in parentage case #112050

: 1 Unpublished Kansas Appeals Decision Issued Today (2015-April-17):

Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2015

: Person with no biological connection could not seek parentage determination of child living with parent

: Petitioner had no standing to assert claim of parentage because child was in physical custody of a parent

: Court erred recharacterizing motion to clarify as motion to reconsider & changing agreed pension division

do not follow the rule that proportionately reduces when each child emancipates

: Failure of counsel to wisely choose appeal issues wastes time, risks court overlooking meritorious ones

: There are few cases that merit raising 19 issues on appeal; counsel should raise only issues with merit

: Court’s failure to address availability of jobs for which appellant was qualified merits reversal

: Appeals court will not consider arguments unsupported by legal authority

: It is not wrong for court to to impute same income amount for as in previous order

: In a 2nd appeal in same case, 1st appeal decision must be followed

: Doctrine of law of the case prohibits a court from reconsidering issues decided in previous appeal of case

: Court did not modify divorce settlement when it divided military retirement equally though pay increased

: After trial court approves divorce settlement, it may not modify the included property division

: Interpreting a statute to require what it says it requires does not “emphasize form over substance”

: Court cannot ignore the plain language and requirements of a statute

: Prohibitive orders do not impose any sort of affirmative duty

: Prohibitory orders “do not implicate defendant’s substantive rights; only protect plaintiff from bad acts

: Court restates 5 factor test to determine sufficiency of defendant’s contact for personal jurisdiction

: Court was correct not dismissing as w/o personal jx request for protection though acts occurred in

5-year-old girl returned to her father in Sri Lanka by Japan under Convention:

Updated Page: Seminars and Presentations

Divorcing Women – Know The Laws Affecting Your Beneficiary Designations via

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 Ronald W Nelson, PA retweeted

More and more young couples are avoiding marriage. 8 of them told us why:

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Editorial: Legislature’s irresponsible action killing must be corrected by governor

: Court of Appeals June 2015 Docket; Summary Calendar:

: Court of Appeals June 2015 Docket; Topeka Session:

: Court of Appeals June 2015 Docket; Session:

: Court of Appeals June 2015 Docket; Wichita Session: ||

: Court of Appeals Arguments Dockets Posted for June 2015:

Bipartisan Bill Avoid Fees Cut for Doctors, Extending , Fixing Other Problems Heads to

150 years ago today: “There was a rush towards the President’s box, when cries were heard” –

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Thousands of young women forced into marriage in U.S. but most States’ laws not designed to deal with complexities

volunteers help foster kids find a voice in court

Updated Page: 108 Overview & Update–Hague Family Law Conventions

New Page: 108 Overview Ha& Update Hague Family Law Conventions

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Inside the Mind of a Child With

: Supreme Court visits Hays, hears oral arguments, and meets with students

This is the 1st time in the Kansas Supreme Court’s history to hold court in the evening. MT

Several FHSU classes were invited to meet with visiting Supreme Court justices. Great Tiger turnout, great questions.

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 Ronald W Nelson, PA retweeted

Read about the cases that will be on the docket tonight at the Kansas Supreme Court hearing on campus

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In the wake of tabling , a war of words within the Idaho GOP:

Supreme Court of India rules that couples living together will be presumed legally married and able to inherit

tables jeopardizes $46M federal funds, allowing parents to evade court orders:

Idaho House Committee Tables , Bill Over—Wait For It— Law

Updated Page: Appellate

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